Digitisation needs to be ethically shaped and designed in a way which considers equally ecological, economical and social values.
Such a digitisation can serve life and the wellbeing of societies and workplaces.
We have invited
Stefano Frache, PhD in engineering and CEO of a digital company in Torino (Italy),
Clara Mewes, advisor at “Initiative Klimaneutrales Deutschland” and specialist for Strategic Climate Communication in Berlin (Germany)
Vinzent A. Sorger, advisor for companies on sustainability and co-founder of “3-level-consulting” in Ulm (Germany).
After an introduction to the guidelines, we will discuss with the participants the ethical guidelines published by the CALL network at
Participation is free, registration is required: PLEASE REGISTER HER
Datum: 24.05.2023, 17:30 Uhr – 19:00 Uhr
Veranstalter: Church Action on Labour and Life CALL / Kirchlicher Dienst in der Arbeitswelt
Veranstaltungsort: Online
Kontakt: Eliane Bueno Dörfer, eliane.doerfer@ev-akademie-boll.de
Albrecht Knoch
Wirtschafts- und Sozialpfarrer
Kirchlicher Dienst in der Arbeitswelt – Prälatur Ulm
Fachdienst der Evangelischen Akademie Bad Boll
Grüner Hof 1
89073 Ulm
Tel: 0731 1538571