Eine Veranstaltung aus unserem CALL-Netzwerk:

Dear members and friends of the CALL-network, Church Action on Labour and Life is inviting you warmly to its next conference

Wellbeing of digitalized societies and workplaces

Taking place in Strasbourg (France)
from 10th to 12th march 2022

This conference is a follow up to the Berlin CALL conference in 2018 and was postponed from 2021 to 2022.

Now we hope that a gathering in-person will be possible at the date in march 2022.

Some of you have attended our online “CALL-talks”, some of you had participated to the Berlin conference or to other meetings even before.

We are happy to organize this conference in the CALL coordination team and we thank CEC-KEK office in Brussels for its help and support.

Nevertheless, organizational tasks have been shifted to our office in Ulm / Germany, but still we work as the European network you are familiar with.

Please find the programme and invitation on the attached flier (PDF), and do not hesitate to contact me for any further information you would need
in order to register.

To do so, please fill in the form you find on our website: https://www.kda-wue.de/veranstaltungen?title=wellbeing-of-digitalized-societies-and-work-place&detail=61a640287b247&eventdate=61a6404ea301a

If you are not able to participate, please hand on our invitation to other persons committed to workplace ministry and ethical reflection on digitalization in your church.

For information about recent activities of CALL, please visit the CEC website: https://www.ceceurope.org/employment-and-social-issues/call-network/

Hoping to meet you in Strasbourg, the entire CALL coordination team is wishing you a good and blessed Christmas time with its message of peace and a safe new year 2022.


Albrecht Knoch

Wirtschafts- und Sozialpfarrer
Kirchlicher Dienst in der Arbeitswelt – Prälatur Ulm
Fachdienst der Evangelischen Akademie Bad Boll
Grüner Hof 1
89073 Ulm
Tel: 0731 1538571