Update on CALL 2022 in Strasbourg:
Dear friends and members of the Church Action on Labour and Life network,
and participants of our latest events such as “CALL talks”!
Since you have received the invitation to our conference right before Christmas,
we hope that you had a good start into the new year.
Thank you to all of you who already have registered for the conference.
In the CALL coordination team we are preparing our meeting from 10-12th March 2022 in Strasbourg,
yet we still do not know whether it really can take place and will let you know about the decision until 21st February.
We send this reminder to you to emphasise two important points:
- The “Cultural Centre St. Thomas” applies a strict protocol of hygienic rules, we shall use large rooms and we shall offer “self-testing” to all participants each morning,
when you have travelled to France observing the existing travel rules. - We encourage you to register for the conference,
but not to book any flight / train tickets before 21st February: We shall take a decision whether the conference has to take place in a virtual manner.
If we have to take such a decision, you will not be charged with any participation fee.
So please use the registration form and let us know whether you are planning to attend the conference.
We also add an updated programme to this email, which you will also find on the website
Please do not hesitate to turn to me with your questions.
Albrecht Knoch
Wirtschafts- und Sozialpfarrer
Kirchlicher Dienst in der Arbeitswelt – Prälatur Ulm
Fachdienst der Evangelischen Akademie Bad Boll
Grüner Hof 1
89073 Ulm
Tel: 0731 1538571