Dear friends and members of the CALL-network!
Ethical debate on a framework for digitalization needs to be continued.
Our conference on “Wellbeing of digitalized societies and workplaces” will be the starting point of a one year process aiming to develop ethical guidelines of digitalization, this process is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme.
The Strasbourg conference will give the opportunity to meet, to learn about good practice in France, Germany, Finland and also discuss different aspects with Members of European Parliament.
As an effect of COVID-restrictions we will be a small group to meet in-person in Strasbourg,
BUT we offer to you the possibility of remote-participation to a part of the conference, i.e. the lectures given and parts of the debates.
By this means you can follow the lectures even if you will not be able to contribute fully to the discussion process.
Times of the livestream and the updated programme can found on our website,
there you can also register for remote participation: Wellbeing of digitalized societies and workplaces (
Only registered participants will receive the link to the livestream (on 9th of march).
Remote participation is free of charge and open to audience in any country.
Hoping to meet you then on screen
For the CALL coordination team
Albrecht Knoch
Albrecht Knoch
Wirtschafts- und Sozialpfarrer
Kirchlicher Dienst in der Arbeitswelt – Prälatur Ulm
Fachdienst der Evangelischen Akademie Bad Boll
Grüner Hof 1
89073 Ulm
Tel: 0731 1538571